Associate Professor İsmaİl SERT
Associate Professor İsmail SERT finished his specialty training at the Tepecik Training and Research Hospital’s General Surgery Clinic after earning his medical degree from Ege University’s Faculty of Medicine. He spent six months at Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland learning about pancreatic islet cell transplantation, liver and kidney transplantation, liver and pancreas surgery during his residency. At the Liver Transplant Institute in Malatya, he received training as a liver transplant fellow for six months. He then continued his education in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, at the Erasmus MC University Hospital, where he trained in liver, pancreas, and biliary tract surgery, as well as at clinics for kidney and liver transplants. He began the liver transplant programme at the Tepecik Training and Research Hospital’s Organ Transplant Clinic in December 2018 and successfully completed it.
I am currently serving in my own private clinic. Both the European Surgical Certificate of Competence and the Turkish Surgical Association Certificate of Competence are in his possession (Transplant Surgery).